“We’re not just talking about White people here. We’re talking about Whiteness as a set of practices that’s steeped in replicating forms of dominance.”
"What has research shown to be the pros and the cons of marijuana legalization?"
"We’ve taught people what they should not say, but we haven’t taught them what they should say. So instead, they say nothing."
"Loan debt is growing, and a lot of students are in trouble."
“One of the reasons we started this program was to improve children’s placement stability. [W]e are seeing that participation in PC-Care is related to children staying in the home longer and having fewer placement disruptions.”
“You can look at ways of trying to reduce illicit opioids, and that’s not easy. [W]hat I think is more difficult, is looking at the reasons why people are using and becoming addicted to opioids in the first place.”
“All schools can incorporate this type of stimulation within the community. [I]t was something so worth the time and energy and the outcome was so successful and positive that I truly believe it is worth every ounce of energy and time put forth.”
“Implementation Science is about researching how we get evidence into practice.”
“If we can get some basic information out there to social workers about how to start having these conversations, we have the potential to make a big difference in the gun violence rates in our country.”
“COVID: 19 really created unprecedented challenges that very few of us had ever confronted and probably in reality we weren’t really prepared for. [I]t was the ultimate crisis to test our ability to be collaborative problem solvers”