inSocialWork® is the UB School of Social Work’s monthly podcast series. Our purpose is to engage practitioners and researchers in lifelong learning and to promote research to practice and practice to research.
Please note that our transcripts are auto-generated and older episodes were transcribed using older technology so they may contain some errors and may not represent the exact words spoken. Listeners are welcome to reach out if an updated transcript is needed at
Our Current Crew

Our host Peter Sobota is a clinical assistant professor at the University at Buffalo School of Social Work. He teaches courses related to interventions with individuals, families, and groups. His professional interests include organizational behavior and development, addictions, motivational interviewing approaches to behavior change, public education, engaged citizenship, and social work practice/applications in non-traditional settings.
Steven Sturman is the Chair of the inSocialWork podcast committee. He is the Instructional Designer for the University at Buffalo School of Social Work. He specializes in the use of innovative technologies for teaching. His current interests include the use of mobile apps for education and the use of Virtual Reality (VR) for educational purposes.

Ryan Tropf, our graduate production assistant, is an MSW student at the University at Buffalo’s School of Social Work. Ryan is a co-founder of an EdTech company that creates videogames to teach children math & science. As a technology enthusiast with a passion for education, he is excited to continue working in a knowledge-sharing space as a member of the inSocialWork team.
Crew Emeriti
Louanne Bakk is the director of the Institute on Innovative Aging Policy and Practice and a clinical assistant professor at the University at Buffalo School of Social Work. She is skilled in teaching in seated, hybrid, and online environments and has taught several different courses in the social work curriculum, including research, program evaluation, social welfare policy, aging policy, community social work in action, administrative skills in social work practice, and social work practice with communities, groups, and organizations. Dr. Bakk’s research interests are in aging, with an emphasis on policy initiatives designed to assist older adults, disparities in later life, community-based intervention programs and services, and technology and older adults.
Dr. Bakk joined the podcast team as co-host in 2017. During her time here she hosted over 40 episodes. Her contributions and insights helped shape the evolution of the podcast that took place during 2021. The podcast team is extremely grateful for all her hard work and dedication to the podcast and for her work to position the podcast for its continuing success.

Howard J. Doueck, PhD, was a professor at the University at Buffalo School of Social Work where he taught in both the PhD and MSW programs. He received his MSW and PhD degrees from the University of Washington and his BA and MA from Brooklyn College, City University of New York. Dr. Doueck was past Director of the PhD program and Associate Dean for Faculty at the School. He is an author, a former Washington State child protection social worker and trainer, and his research interests have included CPS risk assessment, decision making in child protection, the impact of mandated reporting on clinical practice, and – more recently – transitional services for individuals with disabilities. His contribution to the podcast series is significant! He founded the Living Proof podcast series at the school back in 2008 and served as the leader of the podcast committee for its first four years. His passion for social work issues and interests in technology blossomed into our podcast series of today. He will always be known as “Podcast Leader Emeritus” around our crew.
Founding host Adjoa Robinson was an assistant professor at the University at Buffalo School of Social Work, where she taught Research and Human Behavior courses. Dr. Robinson’s research and writing focus on family involvement in service planning for children with serious emotional disturbance and adults, community-based interventions for health promotion in African American communities, and cultural competence. Dr. Robinson’s previous broadcasting experience included community radio in Portland, Oregon, where she cohosted KBOO’s “Out Loud,” a show focusing on local news, culture, and public affairs of interest to the LGBTQ community.
The inSocialWork® Podcast Team would like to thank Dr. Robinson for her valuable contributions as a podcast host and team member over our first four years. Her intelligence, practice experience, and research expertise were greatly appreciated. We want to thank Dr. Robinson for her time, energy, effort, and guidance. She will be missed on our team but never forgotten!

Charles Syms was a clinical associate professor at the University at Buffalo School of Social Work. His teaching included social work intervention, human rights, trauma informed care, and alcohol and other drug treatment. His professional experience includes work in child welfare, domestic violence intervention, forensic mental health, and substance use disorders. He has held a variety of positions from child protection worker to child welfare program director, and the coordination of two community based, university/public school collaboration violence prevention projects.
Professor Syms joined the podcast in December 2012 and hosted a total of 53 episodes over the course of approximately four years. His impact on the podcast is one that will not be forgotten. Through his contribution, the podcast reached nine years of research based biweekly episode releases. Our crew is immensely grateful for all of his hard work.