“It’s critically important for us as a profession to understand how computer science and folks who are doing AI in health and mental health...
“They absolutely loved it. The small group of older adults that we took on that experience, they wanted more. ... They felt tech savvy...
“At a certain point, the screen melts away… and [you're] in a genuine relationship with your therapist.”
“[A] technology social enterprise with a social mission is the enterprise that makes sense because it creates investment assets that...
“What we need to do better. . . and what geospatial technologies can help us to understand better are the interactions between individuals...
How the Use of Apps Helps People with Mental Illness Forge Relationships and Develop Social Networks
“We often are underestimating our clients’ ability to use technology and their access to technology.”
“[W]e know from the research that LGBTQ youth, as a population, really experience disproportionate risks to their well-being. So, for...
“I sit in the camp of social media is not the Devil. It has wonderful benefits to it. Yes, there's risks, but just like anything else in...
“I really encourage social workers to work with computer scientists, i.t. people, and engineering people. If you look at a lot of the apps...
“The question should not really be is this as good as voice counseling or as good as in person, but is it better than nothing, given that...