“The question should not really be is this as good as voice counseling or as good as in person, but is it better than nothing, given that...
“It is always good to know that there are other macro social workers out there, and [Rachel] has often said that it speaks to social...
“I want to talk about choice, because that’s one of the features in gamification that the three of us were. . . drawn to. . . Students did...
"It’s not necessarily a matter of if we use technology, but it is a matter of how we use technology. . . Social worker voices tend to be...
“The literature on telemental health services is really over 50 years old. We think about it as a new phenomenon and actually back in the...
“It is deeply seeded... I got back to the poor house ledger and not that much had changed... We just keep recreating this same system and...
“... so much power is routed through technological systems right now that it is absolutely critical for us to figure out ways for us to be...
“At the end, I think that if we get social workers from the University at Buffalo and lawyers in Mexico, from Universidad LaSalle to start...
“It’s important that you be authentic. Not only will people see right through you if you are fake, but people only connect with real people...
“What we’ve discovered is that [technology] has completely crept in. It is a part of the lives of social workers in their professional face...