Dr. Sandra Lane
In this episode, our guest Dr. Sandra Lane employs an anthropologist’s eye to the intersection of community health and community violence. Weaving a path of research, professional and personal experience, and a keen appreciation for the dynamic relationships among populations and environments, Dr. Lane connects the dots to a thorough application of an ecological perspective to address health, mental health, and economic problems. Specifically, Dr. Lane addresses issues of infant mortality, reproductive health, gun violence, street addiction, and describes the impact of post-traumatic stress disorder on the biological, neurological, and educational functioning of affected community residents.
Sandra D. Lane, PhD, MPH, is Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor of Public Health & Anthropology at Syracuse University and a research professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Upstate Medical University. Prior to joining Syracuse University, Dr. Lane was the founding director of Syracuse Healthy Start, an infant mortality prevention program, in Syracuse, New York. She received her PhD in medical anthropology from the joint program at the University of California at San Francisco and Berkeley and an MPH in epidemiology from the University of California at Berkeley. Her research focuses on the impact of racial, ethnic and gender disadvantage on maternal, child, and family health in urban areas of the United States and the Middle East.
Interviewer: Robert Keefe, PhD