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  • When first presented with the relationship between low child maltreatment reports in rural, impoverished African American communities in this podcast, I immediately thought of negative reasons why the relationship was not what you would expect. I appreciated that the podcast presented the idea that African Americans often care for children in a village type format. African American communities do have more support in child rearing because the kinship relationships are broad and community based. This podcast was interesting and compelling in a concise format.

  • “Counties with many risk factors have lower numbers of child maltreatment report rates” – What?! I was shocked hearing this. My guess would be that counties, especially rural counties, with multiple risk factors would have a positive correlation with child maltreatment. From the podcast I understood that the reason to this could be strong network of social supports that prevents child maltreatment, lack of trust in formal authorities causes less reporting, or the professionals that should be making the reporting do not disclose incidents or are reluctant to report because they may feel guilty about the lack of resources in the county already. In addition to these reasons, it could also be that rural counties experience discrimination whether racial or socioeconomic, and do not have accessible resources to support child and family well-being. Currently, the Kids Count Profile for 2021 shows that in the state of IL there are 436,000 children in poverty. While it is an improvement from 2010, it’s still an issue. So what can we do to further help low-income families?


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