“So many people believe that people end up in this hoarding situation because they come from a family line that suffered under the...

“So many people believe that people end up in this hoarding situation because they come from a family line that suffered under the...
“Clearly there is always going to be some degree of turnover in child welfare, however, this study found time and time again that it was...
“I became really aware that the way we help parents, will ultimately impact the children that they have.”
“I teach the best and learn the best when I can bring my full and authentic self to the classroom. [T]hinking about how do I create spaces...
“Continuous quality assurance in Child Welfare is really a client-centered philosophy. We have limited resources and we need to make sure...
[I]n wilderness therapy it used to be more about slowly breaking them (clients) down and then building that back up, but that model has...
"Centering Pregnancy . . ., as an evidence based and empirically supported practice, has always been very open to try out new interventions...
“[Libraries:] are they only a place where one goes to check out books or movies or access the internet, or are they also a place that can...
“I think it is important for every practitioner in a long term care setting to examine their own practice and strive to make every...
“Certainly, there is a lot of work that looks at each of these issues on their own, so the studies about child welfare or about...