Dr. Felicity Northcott
In this episode, Dr. Felicity Northcott, an expert in international child welfare, describes her work with International Social Services – USA. ISS is a global child protection and social service network of social workers and lawyers who connect vulnerable children, adults and families separated by an international border to the support, information and services they need.

Felicity Sackville Northcott, PhD: Director of External Partnerships and International Services, Dr. Northcott holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in Anthropology from Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Northcott has published numerous articles on international child welfare including Family Finding and Engagement Beyond the Bench: Working Across International Borders for the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, and The Role of Social Workers in International Legal Cooperation: Working Together to Serve the Best Interest of the Child for the Organization of American States. Dr. Northcott has expertise in a range of international child welfare issues including international adoption, international abduction, and international case management.
Interviewer: Kathryn McClain-Meeder, MSW