Dr. Robert Keefe & Dr. Barbara Rittner In this episode, Dr. Robert Keefe and Dr. Barbara Rittner engage in a conversation about the...
Dr. Nikki Wooten In this episode, Dr. Nikki Wooten, herself an Army officer, describes her current research into the gender differences...
Professor Susan Green & Dr. Thomas Nochajski In this episode, UB School of Social Work faculty members and co-directors Susan Green and...
Dr. Amy Watson & Brian Kelly In this episode, Dr. Amy Watson and Brian Kelly discuss their research into Forensic Assertive Community...
Dr. Shelly Wiechelt & Dr. Corey Shdaimah In the second of a two-part podcast, Dr. Shelly Wiechelt and Dr. Corey Shdaimah return to...
Dr. Stella Resko In this episode, Dr. Stella Resko discusses her research examining the role of substance use, PTSD, and environmental...
Dr. Gail Steketee In this episode, Dr. Gail Steketee, Professor and Dean of the School of Social Work at Boston University, discusses...
Dr. Elizabeth Robinson In this episode, Dr. Elizabeth Robinson discusses her work on spiritual and religious changes associated with...
Dr. Elizabeth Tracy In this podcast, Dr. Elizabeth Tracy traces the significance of social networks in social work practice, describes the...
Dr. David Biegel In this episode, Dr. David Biegel discusses his latest research examining facilitators and barriers to employment for...